Ultra Slim
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 ULTRA SLIM is a combination of ALL thermogenic nutrients- these are the various amino acids that help burn fat- fibers, who help eliminate indigested food more efficiently. Garcinia is an appetite suppressant and Green Tea is renowned fat burner. The formulation of ULTRA SLIM is very popular in U.S.A and large number of people use it to reduce fat from their bodies. DESCRIPTION: ULTRA SLIM is a combination of thermogenic nutrients; these are the various amino acids that help burn fat. Fiber helps eliminate undigested food more efficiently. Garcinia and green tea are also fat burning ingredients. Ultra Slim will reduce hunger desire and it reduces weight naturally. PROPRIETARY HERBAL BLEND OF ULTRA SLIM: Green tea 15% Polyphenols, Garcinia Cambogia 55%, Citrus Aurantium 6% Extract, Chromium (Picolinate) 12%, Guarana, Oat Bran (Avena Sativa) – Rice Bran, Psyllium Husk, Glucomannan, Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus Purshiana), Apple Pectin, Bromalain, L-Acidophilus, Vanadium (AAC), Guar Gum Lipotropic Agents: L-Carnitine, Choline Bitartrate, Inositol WHO DEFINES OBESITY Obesity is a serious disease defined as excessive accumulated of body fat to such an extent that one’s health maybe adversely affected. WHO RECOGNIZED OBESITY AS: A global public issue and has named it one of the top ten leading global health risk. WHO STATISTICS: World wide more than 1 billion adults are over weight and 300 million are clinically obese. OBESITY RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS Diabetics Type 2 Heart Attacks Hypertension Joint disease Cancer Sleep Apnea Obstetric Disease Psychological Problems Social Problems HOW ULTRA SLIM WORKS: Garcinia cambogia , one of the main constituent of Ultra Slim assist in weight loss for the following reasons: It appears to block the conversion of sugars and starches into fats, and thus believed to help inhibit fat production. It may suppress appetite by raising levels of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin, a key stimulator of appetite. Studies and clinical reports suggest that main ingredients of Ultra Slim enhance the sensation of fullness and reduce hunger cravings. For these reasons, incorporating psyllium and other sources of fiber into the diet may aid weight loss. Green tea is absolutely good for weight loss. You will find green tea (or green tea extract) included in the compilations of many of the more popular weight loss supplements today. Green tea has also helped aid weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate, causing those who use it to experience greater calorie burn. A recent study further validates green tea’s effectiveness. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 81, No. 1, 122-129, January 2005), indicated the ingestion of a tea rich in catechins (catechins are a major component of green tea extract) leads to both a lowering of bodyfat AND of cholesterol levels. L-Carnitine is used to boost weight loss as it metabolizes excess fats in the body. It can help you to become slimmer, faster than almost anything else you do. Choline is important in controlling fat and cholesterol buildup in the body, prevents fat from accumulating in the liver, and facilitates the movement of fats in the cells. It also helps regulate the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder, is important for nerve transmission, and helps to improve memory. Therefore, many people use choline to assist in controlling weight as well as cholesterol levels, keeping cell membranes healthy, and in preventing gallstones.